Project Lemon

Project lemon started as with the goal to do more projects beside those from school. Checkout our github organisation if you want to see what we are working on at the moment.

Some of the projects we have been working on are, a hosting website for putting up your resume, cv or pdf based portfolio. It’s fast and easy way to have you pdf document hosted somewhere for you to link to, without the need of setting up you own website. In this project we used AngularJs for front end development and Golang with MySQL as the backend.The main purpose for use was to learn more about web based security, password handling and safe database management.

We have also made the welcoming website for the Interactive Technology and Design reception, It includes a schedule, contact information and extra information. Plus an admin login and edit section, for the admins to edit the schedule and other information. We wrote this website using javascript and php without any frameworks, as we thought they weren’t needed.

We have also designed some logos for Umeå Association of International Affairs, and also staring developing our own party game for android, Intense Orange (currently put on hold).

Project Lemon Logo